Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The life of diet

I started a diet on Monday. I am not one to normally diet, however when on Sunday it became apparent that my DH sees me as fat and not attractive, it was the final motivator I needed to get off my butt and do something about it.

Yes I was sick and tired of clothes not fitting properly. I was tired of looking at my nice stuff in my cupboard that I just can't wear. And I was definately over feeling unattractive. So on Monday I went and did something about it.

Now I know you are supposed to exercise, but I'll just have to build up to that because I cannot take feeling fat, hungry, and feeling like an uncoordinated fool in front of all these people at the gym.

Every Monday I have to check back in and see my results. I am aiming to lose 15kg. The diet lady thought I should aim for 20kg (yeah thanks for that). So hopefully if I can last the week and figure out what I can eat (that being the hardest part) I will update you each Monday.

And can I say isn't it typical that on Monday night my Mum brought me a giant container of pumpkin soup. 1. my favourite. 2. she never has done this before. And 3. can't eat pumpkin on this diet. grrr.

So if anyone has any great ideas of what to do with a minimum of 2 cups of veges that don't include potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potato, corn, peas (you know all that yummy stuff you have with a baked dinner) please let me know.

1 comment:

gloria said...

Oh man.

I feel your pain.

WW is not strict...I love it!!

What system are you on??