Talk about finishing the school holidays off with a bang. We've been on the go all day. It started at 8:15am and we got in just after 6pm tonight.
Today was the first day of Nippers for the season. BMW was very excited to be starting red caps, the youngest of all the age groups. I bought him the club cossie and rashie so he fitted right in. He seemed to have a good time playing games on the sand.
TJ has gone up to yellow caps. The surf was a bit rough today from the wind so they just did beach events, she seemed to go sort of well in the flags and the sprints, but she is really looking forward to board paddling.
Even Nath behaved himself and played with a little friend that he made. Its much easier him being a year older and happy to play in the sand this season.

On the drive home we stopped in at the new Home Zone. 2GO radio was there and they had a free bbq and icecreams, a clown showing the kids some juggling and other fun tricks, face painting and balloon making, a jumping castle, dodgems and the St George Dragon. The kids had heaps of fun, although TJ vowed never to go on the dodgems again. BMW told me later he was driving. Go figure. We also met Tara Dennis the designer. She was so lovely and gave me some suggestions for finishing the decorating of the lounge room. I've at least got an idea of what to look for now for curtains. She was impressed that I could sew.
A quick stop at home to pick up a birthday present and we were off to Mingara for Holly's birthday party. We ended up being early so the kids all had a swim. Naths face painting slid off in the water leaving a weird red and black mess which was a little amusing.
Finally party time came around and TJ went off with her friends. They are all growing up so fast. BMW and Nath had enough swimming so we went for a tour of the club next door. The boys found a play area on the terrace, so they played for a while and I got to listen to some jazz. The band was quite good, and it was nice to sit and relax for a while.
The party finally finished and we left to the 'I'm Hungry' whine from the boys. I should know by now not to go out without food for them. They are going to cost me a fortune when they get bigger.
We've all come home tired but happy. I've even got the first sunburn of the season.
Chow for now.