Saturday, October 22, 2005

Actually went out

TJ is having a sleep over tonight at a friends from school, she was so excited. MIL came to look after the boys and DH and I went out! OK it wasn't that exciting, we had to go to a parents meeting at the surf club. I could tell DH really wasn't interested, but at least he came.

Afterwards we stopped at a couple of restaurants to find some nice eats. Third resturant lucky and we dined out like real grownups. The restuarant we choose was sicilian. We both had veal and prawns and risotto on the side, but we had different sauces. I choose a creamy sauce which won't be good for the scales I'm sure, but it was yummy! With much controlled effort I didn't even have dessert.

We came home to sleeping kids, MIL doing our ironing, and she had folded all the washing upstairs. Off to bed now.


gloria said...
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gloria said...


Your MIL did your ironing and foldeded your wash?? Where do I get one like that??

3 days and a wake up!!

gloria said...

can't spel for crap today, oh well, for what it's worth, I *do* know how to spell folded. LOL

Aussie Wendy said...

Sure sure. lol