Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Can anyone here me? Are you out there?

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Can anyone here me? Are you out there?

Hell Yes! I hear. Well I am back.

It feels like forever since I've blogged. I was catching up on glo-girls blog and oh my goodness it really is forever! Well in blogging terms. I read all the way to the bottom where I couldn't scroll anymore and still didn't get to something I had read. Oh love your layouts btw, and I hope you had that Australia Day bbq!

We had one. We decided to go to Forster for a couple of days and try out our new caravan. This is the second time taking it out. First time it was blowing a gale. This time it was raining while setting it up. I am so glad we bought that giant tarp so setting up underneath it wasn't so bad. Only thing is someone still needs to be out in the rain to hammer in the pegs. Hello DH! Here I am hiding under the tarp so I don't get wet while he was absolutely soaked. Hee hee.

The first day there was a little strained as DH had trouble relaxing and letting the kiddo's do their thing. Sit down and sit still. Um honey, they don't quite work that way. On the second day I got him to chill out enough so they could ride their scooters between the two speed humps on the road in front of us, and so TJ could go to the loo by herself. I wasn't impressed about this having to take them all, all the time.

Especially BMW who made us take him 5 times in the dark after they'd gone to bed. Ugh. And it was raining. DH andI basically did not sleep the first night. Fortunately the second night everyone was exhausted and with a rearrangement of the sleeping configuration it was mucho better!

We joined the local 'grey army' for an early morning swim at the rock pool. Saw dolphins out the back of it and fish in the bottom. Very cool. Went for a walk on the beach in the afternoon. We tried looking for pippies but just found some empty shells. The surf was ginourmous.

In the evening DH and I took the kids fishing on the rock wall. Lets see, little kids, big uneven rocks, sharp hooks, fishing line and trying to get them to sit still really don't work well together. We lost most of TJ's line/float/sinker/hooks. Very luckily didn't lose Nath. I did try and convince DH to hire a boat because it makes it all so much simpler but he wouldn't be in it. I think I've convinced him now though for next time, lol.

And since this was Australia Day we cranked up the new bbq and cooked some snags for lunch. That new camping bbq is full on and wickedly MAD! It has no where to turn down the heat, its just like full on burn. We have long matches, but I reckon you need tapers to light this thing. I'm sure I lost hair off my knuckles. Scary!

The kids had swim club Friday night when we got home. TJ did 2 PB's. I worked Saturday, a home class and a workshop. 4 figure sales YAH!

Today was Championship Day at Nippers. The kids had Wade, Sprint, Flags and Marathon. BMW got 1st, 2nd, 2nd and 3rd. TJ got 5th in the wade which was a great effort. And about 7th in the flags. Which was nice for her that she got thru a few rounds.

This afternoon I've been cleaning up my scrapping space because I bought some new furniture to help accomodate my growing amount of 'stuff'. I'm thinking maybe one more bookcase might do it. I still have my table to clean and then perhaps I might share a pic of it. If I have time.

I have a lot to organise this week because I'm throwing DH a surprise party! Cannot wait to catch up with our closest friends who are coming and who I miss catching up with so much.

Alrighty, well I'd better go and figure what to feed my tribe for dinner. Its that time and I haven't even taken anything out yet. Pizza anyone? Not that that will help my expanding waistline. Oh well. Back to school this week. Maybe I can work on it then.

Cheerio everybody!


Veronica said...

Sounds like your trip with the new caravan went well :)

Way-to-go on the homeclass and workshop - and here you were thinking about quitting!

gloria said...

LOL Now *that's* what I call an UPDATE!


Glad to hear you had a *splendiferious* time...

Mel said...

I think I don't understand some "Aussie" terms... but it does sound like you had fun!!

Empress4 (from the US)