Sunday, January 01, 2006

What a stinker

Today is new years day. It reached a very hot 45 degrees Celcius. Its now 9:30pm and still in the mid to high 30's. At least the hot wind has stopped, but now there is just humidity and heat. I am so looking forward to a southerly wind coming during the night, but also don't want it as there is bushfires here on the coast, taking out houses, and I have friends that live there, so a strong wind is probably not what they want right now.

We went to the beach this morning, Redhead Beach up in Newcastle. I don't think I have ever felt sand so hot under my feet. The water was a lovely 20 degrees C and crystal clear. I was teaching TJ how to catch waves and also dive under. I took her out once behind the waves and she got out of her depth and couldn't touch the bottom. Although my girl can swim a couple hundred metres in the pool, like she did for her timed swim, she panicked. So now I've also taught her that she can float in the surf, and not to panic. Hopefully she will remember if she ever does it without me.

Thats all for tonight. I'm sweating on the keyboard, its just way to hot to do anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more pleasant. Unfortunately its a bit too late for some of my plants. Being on water restrictions we're not meant to water until tomorrow. I snuck a bit in tonight, my pot plants are crisp, as are my ferns behind my pool. Even the magnolia which we've had for years and has now grown to fence height, today shrivelled its leaves. Much much too hot.

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