Friday, December 16, 2005

Gingerbread Train

Tonight we have skipped going to carols and have instead played our own and made a gingerbread train. This year I actually got the sticky glue in the right combination because it worked! It stuck so well we had to put the train together really quickly. We still have our gingerbread house to make which I think we might do on Monday.

Here we have the checking out of the instructions...
The completed train...And now its finished can we eat it?

An update in other news...I went to see the principal of school this morning at 8am. I told her what had happended and that I was concerned for the safety of my children. Especially in light of the excursion on Monday where parents are welcome to attend. She said she would speak to the teachers and make them aware to take extra care and make sure TH gets no where near them. Thank heavens for that!


Anonymous said...

oh that train looks yummy!! Can I have some??


Anonymous said...

Every year I say I am going to do a gingerbread house or something for christmas but alas another year on and I haven't. But boy does yours look oh so good!!