Saturday, December 24, 2005

You know its hot when...

You know its hot when at 6:30am theres a hot wind blowing and its 33 degrees celcius outside

You know its hot when you prefer to be at the shopping centre with all the crazy people doing their last minute Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve instead of being at home with no air conditioning

You know its hot when its too hot to swim in your pool

You know its hot when its 42 degrees celcius outside.

The heat must be getting to me....who's up for a hot Christmas lunch tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

"who's up for a hot Christmas lunch tomorrow?" MIL does the whole roast turkey, baked vegies thing...with the air-con p.u.m.p.i.n.g!! :P

I truly, do not know how you live without air-con :O

Merry Christmas to you my friend :)

newsgirl said...

oh Wendy, so sorry for the heat... you can come here for a white Christmas next year okay??
I can't imagine Christmas without snow... I'll think of you sweating it out in Aus as I'm eating my turkey tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!!!

The Stopper Family said...

Boy, wish we had that kind of weather - its quite chilly in Virginia now.

BTW: I love your background and header - how did you do that?

Anonymous said...

Wendy, I cooked a hot lunch chrissy day. But there here in Perth we have had a really mild start to summer. Dont know what we will do when it hits, cause like you I have no aircon!