Thursday, December 15, 2005

The saga continues...

Well what an afternoon. Today I am so lucky that I am feeling good, and strong. You know when you have those days when you could burst into tears if something goes wrong? Well today was the exact opposite of that. I was dressed well. I felt good. I was styled as DH would put it. And then we went to dancing.

You may or may not be aware that TJ does dancing. In fact she does solos where she is the only one on stage and competes in eisteddfods. So this afternoon before class, one of the studios was empty and we had permission from the principle for her to practice. She has an eisteddfod in the January school holidays and there just isn't enough room at home to practice effectively. So we've been taking advantage of the empty studio.

Well whilst she was practicing we got interrupted by that mother I mentioned the other day. Now if you want to continue reading my blog post, feel free. But today I am going to use my blog to record what happened, because I've been advised to record it. And figuring my luck with electronic things blowing up at the moment I figure the web is probably the safest place to store it. So read on or not, its up to you.

TJ was dancing in the ballet studio. Also present in the room was BMW, Shaina and Alana. TJ had practiced her modern twice and was now practicing her fast tap "Swingin Safari". I had my sunglasses and keys sitting next to the cd player. With no glasses on my vision was blurred but I could still make out most of her movements. Tamara was part way through her dance when TH strode into the room. She ignored the fact that TJ was practising and came straight up to me yelling in my face.

She said: I need to talk to you about that phone call. That was why I wrote the letter because that was meant to nip it in the bud.
She said: perhaps if I had rung maybe her boy had hung up on me.
I said : no,it was a ladies voice that said hello and when I said hello they hung up
She said: (yelling in my face)
I said(talking while she is yelling): whatever Tina, I do not want to talk to you, I don't want to have anything to do with you please go away
She said: you need to know whats going on, Joan and Karen are out there saying what a bitch you are. They're the ones bitching about you, its not me, you need to know whats going on and I have to tell you
I said: I am not interested, I don't want to know. You need to stop. Please go away
She said: (me not listening, her yelling in my face)
I said: no you need to stop. Please go away
She said: I'm going to get an AVO on you to keep you away from me
I said: you need to stop and leave me along. Please go away.

At that point I got up and walked out of the studio, thru the waiting room and into the other studio to the principal where I said to her that T H has just come in and has been yelling in my face I asked her to stop and she wouldn't, you need to deal with this.

The principal then came to the waiting room and spoke to Tina. She said: Tina this has to stop.

She said more but I left the waiting room and went back into the studio with my daughter and son.

TJ asked me what was going on, why was she yelling. I simply told her that Mrs H was being silly and not to worry about it.

I then asked her to start her dance again and we began the song.

Mrs B then came into the studio where TJ was dancing and hid behind the door away from the waiting room, crying. Mrs Calcagno came in to see if she was ok. I asked if she was right. She said yes. I ushered all the children from the room and shut the door.

I then went into the other studio and saw the principal and apologized for having to come and get her. She said that she had been on the phone today with T after another parent had telephoned her worried about a matter. She said she had now left the studio and it was for the best of everyone.

The other mothers in the waiting room and those outside asked me what was going on, to which I replied I don't know, she was just yelling in my face.

So see how strong I was. So proud of me for remaining calm. I'm a little freaked out that she would come and do something to my house or my Christmas decorations since she lives a couple streets from us. I rang my brother for advice. He said she can't take and AVO out on me for nothing, she could apply but would need to prove that I was voilent - uh hello, it was her yelling in my face.

He said I also need to remember what started this in the beginning. I remember. Last October her daughter was bullying my daughter. I finally got sick of it and stepped in and said something. What I said was not directed at her, but directed to the whole dance troupe. I said this has to stop, everyone has been pushing and shoving and its not on. You are a troupe. You need to work together and be friends. And then I left.

Later that afternoon or the next day I got a phone call from the principle saying that TH had rung her complaining about me. I was extremely upset and went to TH home to apologise if I had offended her. She yelled abuse at me as I neared her door. Threatened me. Abused me some more. Yelling the whole time. I only managed to get out that I had come to apologise. I then left in tears and went home. I rung the principle in tears to tell her what had happened. She told me that no one was impressed with what I had done. I then rang every parent still in tears, every parent of every child in the troupe to apologize to them. Some knew of what had transpired some didn't. Karen O'Neill said thanks for calling, it doesn't affect me at all, but thanks for calling. Maria said she appreciated the call. I had said something earlier in the year which she hadn't appreciated but thanks for calling and all was forgiven (I still have no idea what it was that I allegedly said).

That was the start of a really dark time for me. I have again come home. Locked my car in the garage and locked my front door shut. But this time I am strong. And I will be ok.


Anonymous said...

oh Wendy, I'm so sorry... I don't have any good advice or anything but just stay strong!


Veronica said...

Good for you Wendy - you did the right thing. So sorry you are going through all this though.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.

When you asked me the other day I was not aware of all this.

Stay strong girl and remember that your friends are always here for you!!